
NARS Lab seeks highly motivated learners who ask big questions and go after solving them creatively. Our world is a complex system with multiple layers. To discover fundamental patterns and processes that advance accessibility, resilience and sustainability in our communities, our methods are centered on network science, data mining, machine learning and simulation. Applicants of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Graduate students

Generally, prospective graduate students should apply to the University of Massachusetts Amherst Civil and Environmental Engineering programs. Specific openings in NARS Lab are:

Graduate research assistant opening (starting 9/1/24)

We are currently seeking a motivated student to work on a 1-year project to investigate the impact of schematic bicycle maps on bicycle/active mobility use. Qualifications:

  • Ideally someone who bikes regularly
  • Broader interest in sustainability and active mobility; informatics/visualization would be a plus
  • Experience in programming/optimization or willingness to learn
  • Experience in modeling/supervised learning/machine learning or willingness to learn
  • Would be a plus if the person is familiar with the Western Mass/New England area (e.g. has studied/lived here for a few years) and its bike amenities/infrastructure

While funding is currently guaranteed for 1 year, the goal is to secure further funding for a multi-year larger scale project. Thus, Masters and PhD applicants are welcome to apply. The position is available from September 1, 2024. Interested candidates should email me with a statement of interest and CV.

Postdoctoral fellows

There are no open postdoctoral positions at this time. Openings will be posted as they are available.