Artificial Intelligence for Tree Failure Identification and Risk Quantification


Artificial Intelligence for Tree Failure Identification and Risk Quantification


The code and models in this repository implement convolutional neural network (CNN) models to predict tree likelihood of failure categories from a given input image. The categories are:

  • Improbable: failure unlikely either during normal or extreme weather conditions
  • Possible: failure expected under extreme weather conditions; but unlikely during normal weather conditions
  • Probable: failure expected under normal weather conditions within a given time frame Original input images are 3024 x 4032 pixels. We assess the performance of an optimized CNN using 64-pixel, 128-pixel and 224-pixel inputs (after data augmentation expands samples from 525 images to 2525 images). We also evaluate performance under four classification scenarios (investigating how various category groupings impact classifier performance): Pr_Im: {Probable, Improbable}; 2 classes PrPo_Im: {Probable + Possible, Improbable}; 2 classes Pr_PoIm: {Probable, Possible + Improbable}; 2 classes Pr_Po_Im: {Probable, Possible, Improbable}; 3 classes

Step 1: Label input data

Inputs are images (currently 3024 x 4032 pixels). These are currently saved locally and not accessible on the remote. Email the collaborators for data access. To perform labeling, run The user must specify the path to the raw images (RAW_IMAGE_DIR). The current framework assumes the raw images are housed in data/raw/Pictures for AI.

Step 2: Preprocess images

In this step (, we perform image resizing and data augmentation (random cropping, horizontal flipping - probability of 50%). The user can specify the expansion factor for the original set of images. For instance, there are 525 images in the original dataset. if an expansion factor of 5 is specified for the preprocessing function, then the final augmented set will contain 2525 images. Finally, image training sets are generated for 4 classification scenarios and for user-specified resolutions, e.g. 64 x 64 px, 128 x 128 px, etc. One-hot-vector encoding is also performed. Each set of images and labels are saved as an array of tuples in a binary .npy file. The script also includes a plotProcessedImages() function that generates a specified number of randomly chosen input images for each scenario.

The user can also plot selected processed images using the functions in the script. To explore all the processed images in a matrix plot, use exploreProcessedImages(). Figure 2 in the manuscript was generated using the plotSelectedProcessedImages() function.

Step 3: CNN hyperparameter optimization

We use the Hyperband function from keras.tuner to optimize the following parameters in our convolutional neural network: kernel size of first convolutional layer, units in the 2 dense layers, their respective dropout rates and activation functions. The routine is carried out in The search is performed for 12 cases (3 resolutions and 4 classification scenarios).

  • The results are tabulated via (which generates the CSV files used to create Table 4 in the manuscript).

Step 4: Sensitivity tests

In, the function testResolutionScenarioPerformance() conducts CNN model fitting for each combination of resolution and scenario as specified by the user in RESOLUTION_LIST and SCENARIO_LIST respectively. This is done via k-fold cross-validation. Validation metrics of macro-average precision, recall and $F_1$ are also implemented. Model histories are saved for each trial.

Tabulation and visualization summaries of the results are implemented in senstivity-analysis.ipynb.

  • Figure 4 in the manuscript is generated using plotMeanAccuracyLoss().
  • Figure 5 is generated using plotSummaryValidationMetrics()

Furthermore, we aggregate performance statistics in senstivity-analysis.ipynb and performance Welch’s tests to determine if there are significant differences in outcomes.

  • The function getScenarioResolutionMeanPerformance() generates Table 6.
  • The function resolutionPerformanceComparisonStats() generates Table 7.
  • The function scenarioPerformanceComparisonStats() generates Table 8.

Step 5: Detailed CNN performance analysis

In, we define the function trainModelWithDetailedMetrics() which implements CNN model-fitting, along with sklearn classification metrics, including a confusion matrix, for a given resolution/scenario instance. The loss and performance results are visualized in the plot-cnn-performance.ipynb notebook, using the function plotCNNPerformanceMetrics().

  • Figure 6 in the manuscript is generated via plotCNNPerformanceMetrics().
  • Figure 7 is based on the confusion matrices saved from running getScenarioModelPerformance(), which in turns runs trainModelWithDetailedMetrics(). The trained model is saved to results/models/.

Step 6: CNN Visualization and Inference (in progress)

We implement GradCAM and saliency maps to understand how the CNN classifies an image. This is done using plotGradCAM() and plotSaliency() in cnn-visualization.ipynb. A prior trained model is loaded (e.g. m = models.load_model('../../results/models/opt-cnn-Pr_Im-128-px/model')) and used as an input to either of the functions mentioned.

Please note: Function and classes that are used in two or more scripts are housed in